HomeTerms & Conditions


1. Issue of Home Match Ticket

1.1 The issue of a Home Match Ticket and subsequent access to the Ground is subject to the Ground Regulations (as may be amended from time to time).

1.2 Home Match Tickets are for the use of supporters of the Club and neutrals only. By applying for the Home Match Ticket and/or using the same you hereby warrant and represent that you are a neutral or a supporter of the Club.

1.3 Use of the Home Match Ticket constitutes acceptance of the Ground Regulations and these Conditions of Issue.

1.4 The Home Match Ticket will remain the property of the Club at all times. The Club reserves the right to require the immediate return of the Home Match Ticket at any time.

2. Admission to the Ground

2.1 All persons (including children) must have a valid card or ticket when entering the Ground. The Club will not allow children (or any other person) to be carried through the turnstiles without a valid card or ticket for the relevant Match.

2.2 The Home Match Ticket shall admit the holder to the Match specified on the ticket.

2.3 The Home Match Ticket must be available for inspection and produced by you on demand by any official, steward or security staff of the Club at all times.

2.4 By entering the Ground, all persons acknowledge that photographic images and/or video recordings and/or stills taken from those video recordings may be taken of them and may also be used in televised coverage of the game or by the Club and/or any Football Authority in perpetuity, by way of any present or future media, for any purpose deemed reasonable by the Club, including, without limitation, for marketing or promotional purposes. Entry into the Ground is confirmation that all persons have consented to such use of their image unless the Club is notified in writing to the contrary. In entering the Ground with a person aged under 18, the person accompanying such young person confirms that they have the requisite authority to consent, and does consent, to the provisions of this clause 2.4 on the young person’s behalf. Without prejudice to the consents given in accordance with this clause, if any images should feature an individual prominently the Club will make reasonable efforts to gain the consent of that person before publishing such image.

2.5 Save as set out in clause 2.6 below, you shall not bring into (or use within) the Ground any equipment which is capable of recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any audio, visual or audio-visual material or any information or data in relation to a Match or any aspect of it. Any person acting in breach of this provision may have such equipment confiscated and/or may be required to deliver up any tapes, films, disks or other recordings or data to the Club and the copyright in such recording or transmission is hereby assigned (by way of present assignment of future copyright pursuant to section 91 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988) to the Club.

2.6 Mobile telephones and cameras are permitted within the Ground, provided that they are used for personal and private use only.

2.7 Save for official Club merchandise and/or other football related clothing worn in good faith, you shall not bring into, use or display within the Ground any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.

2.8 You shall not offer or distribute (either free of charge or for sale by any person) within the Ground any consumer article or commercial product of any nature. For the avoidance of doubt this clause shall not prevent the lawful distribution of text publications (e.g. fanzines) in any format where both the content and the publication are lawful in all respects and do not in the Club’s reasonable opinion constitute a threat or potential threat to public order.

2.9 Without prejudice to the representation at clause 1.2 above, and in light of the Home Match Ticket holders being grouped together in designated areas, where any attempt is made by a Home Match ticket holder to gain access to the Ground wearing or carrying apparel (including, without limitation, hats and/or scarves) that demonstrates support for the Visiting Club, the Club reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to refuse admission to or eject from the Ground any person, and in such circumstances no refund or alternative seat will be made.

2.10 Without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, the Club shall have the right to refuse admission to the Ground to any person holding a Home Match Ticket, or to suspend or eject any person from the Ground, on any occasion, including where (by way of non-limiting examples):

(a) the Club considers in its absolute discretion that such person’s entry to the Ground may cause danger or discomfort to themselves or to any other person in the Ground; or (b) the Club considers in its absolute discretion that such person has breached (or will breach when entering or occupying the Ground) any of these Conditions of Issue, the Ground Regulations, any applicable law and/or such other regulations as may be applicable and/or as the Club may specify from time-to-time (including ant Coronavirus prevention measures); or (c) such person is the subject of any ban or suspension decision or order imposed by the Club and/or any Football Authority or any other competent authority (including, without limitation, the Police).

3 Allocation of Seats

3.1 Notwithstanding the seat number on your Home Match Ticket, the Club reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to allocate any seat to you, anywhere in the Ground, for any Match.

3.2 The Home Match Ticket shall not entitle the ticket Holder to occupy or reserve the same, or any other, seat at the Ground for the Season or for any subsequent season.

3.3 You accept and acknowledge that seating allocation may be subject to social distancing or other Coronavirus prevention measures as determined by the Club from time to time, and that you may not be permitted to sit in the seat numbered on your Home Match Ticket, or by or near anyone who is not a member of your household.

3.4 You must remain in your allocated seat for the duration of the Match, and may not change places with any other person, or occupy any other seat unless you are directed to do so by a steward or Club official.

4 Use of Home Match Ticket

4.1 You agree that at all times you shall:

(a) behave in a proper and lawful manner while in attendance at the Ground, and not cause any nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to the Club or any other person (including any other spectators or local residents) or to render void or voidable, in part or whole, any insurance maintained by the Club in respect of the Ground;

(b) not cause damage to the Ground (fair wear and tear excepted); and

(c) comply with all of the rules and regulations imposed by the Club from time to time in respect of admission and attendance, including, without limitation, the Ground Regulations and any Coronavirus prevention requirements.

4.2 The Home Match Ticket is issued for the ticket holder’s sole use and you shall not sell, assign or (save as set out in clauses 4.4 and 4.5 below) transfer the Home Match Ticket or the benefit of it to any other person without the prior written consent of the Club. For the purposes of this provision, a reference to selling the Home Match Ticket includes offering to sell a home Match Ticket (including, without limitation, via any online auction website), exposing a home Match Ticket for sale, making a home Match Ticket available for sale by another and advertising that a home Match Ticket is available for purchase.

4.3 The Home Match Ticket may not be offered as a prize in any promotion or competition or transferred, lent or sold to any third party as part of a hospitality or travel package, given to a third party who agrees to buy another good or service or used for any other commercial purpose without the prior written consent of the Club.

4.4 If more than one Home Match Ticket is issued to you, one Home Match Ticket must be retained by you for your personal use (subject to the provisions below) and the remainder may be transferred to your Guest(s) for his/her personal use only, PROVIDED THAT:

(a) such transfer takes place in consideration of no payment or benefit in excess of the face value of the Home Match Ticket;

(b) such transfer does not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of facilitating any third party’s business;

(c) such transfer to any Guest(s) will be subject to the Ground Regulations and these Conditions of Issue which will (save for any rights to transfer under this clause or any rights to a refund under section 8) apply to the Guest(s) as if he/she were the original purchaser of the Home Match Ticket (you must inform the Guest(s) of this); and

(d) you will provide the name and address of your Guest(s) when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club and/or any police officer.

4.5 In the event that you and/or your Guest are unable to use any Home Match Ticket then you may transfer that Home Match Ticket(s) to a natural person who is known to you personally and who would be entitled (under the Ground Regulations and otherwise) to purchase such Home Match Ticket and attend such Match PROVIDED THAT:

(a) such transfer takes place in consideration of no payment or benefit in excess of the face value of the Home Match Ticket;

(b) such transfer does not take place in the course of any business or for the purpose of facilitating any third party’s business;

(c) such transfer will be subject to the Ground Regulations which will apply to the transferee as if he were the original purchaser of the Home Match Ticket (and you must inform the transferee of this); and

(d) you will provide the name and address of the transferee when asked to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club or any police officer.

4.6 The unauthorised sale or disposal of a home Match Ticket may amount to a criminal offence under section 166 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, as amended by the Violent Crime Reduction Act 2006. The Club may inform the police when it becomes aware that a home Match Ticket has been sold illegally and may press for charges to be brought against those breaking this law. If you are convicted of a ticket touting offence, or we reasonably suspect you to have committed such an offence, we will notify the relevant Football Authority who may in turn notify other Clubs and/or the relevant law enforcement authorities. The information that we share for this purpose may include your personal details, information about the offence and about ticket purchases (including payment details). We will use this to identify and prevent ticket touting offences and disorder at Matches.

4.7 Any Home Match Ticket obtained or used in breach of the Ground Regulations or these Conditions of Issue shall be automatically void and all rights conferred or evidenced by such Home Match Ticket shall be nullified. Misuse of a Home Match Ticket may result in the holder being refused entry to, or ejected from the Ground in respect of a particular Match and/or the cancellation and withdrawal of this Home Match Ticket. In the event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance with this clause 4.7, no refund shall be payable. The Club further reserves its right to take any legal or disciplinary action against any person(s) as it sees fit in connection with such matters, including a claim for an account of profits made from an unauthorised use of the Home Match Ticket.

4.8 If you act, or incite others to act, in such a way so as to cause the bringing of disciplinary action against the Club by the Football Authority or any other properly authorised regulatory body, you and those acting in concert with you shall be jointly and severally liable to the Club for any loss the Club thereby suffers. Similarly, you and those acting in concert with you shall also be jointly and severally liable to the Club for any loss the Club suffers as a result of the behaviour of a third party gaining access to a Match using your ticket with your permission or through any act or omission on your part.

4.9 If you are aged 16 years old or under, your parent(s) and/or guardian(s) are also responsible for your actions, conduct and compliance with these Conditions, and may be subject to liability, sanction or penalty as a consequence of your conduct, as determined at the Club’s sole discretion.

5 Pricing & Ticket Information

5.1 Whilst we try to ensure that pricing and ticketing information are correct at all times, errors may occasionally occur. If we discover an error in the price or nature of the ticket you have ordered, we will inform you as soon as possible, and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price/specification or cancelling it. If you opt to cancel your order in these circumstances we will provide you with a full refund including booking fees but not including any other loss you have incurred such as travel, accommodation or loss of amenity.

5.2 If, despite our reasonable efforts, we are unable to contact you, we will consider your booking to be cancelled, and will refund you in accordance with this clause 5.

6 Use of Concessionary Tickets

6.1 Concessionary priced Home Match Tickets may only be used by persons that qualify for such concessionary prices, as follows:

(a) “Under 11s”Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 0 to 10 on 31 August of the relevant Season.

(b) “Under 16s” Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 11 to 15 on 31 August of the relevant Season.

(c) “Under 21s” Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 16 to 20 on 31 August of the relevant Season.

(d) “Over 65s” Tickets may only be used by persons who will be aged 65 or over on 31 August of the relevant Season.

6.2 Any person entering or seeking to enter the Ground with a concessionary priced Home Match Ticket may be required to provide proof of age in the form of a birth certificate, current passport or valid driving licence or, in the case of Over 65s, an Older Person’s Bus Pass issued by a local authority. Copies of the relevant document are acceptable, so long as the information is clear, legible and has not been doctored. The Club shall determine at its absolute discretion the acceptability of documentation presented as proof of eligibility.

6.3 Any person entering or seeking to enter the Ground with a concessionary priced Home Match Ticket in circumstances where such person cannot demonstrate to the reasonable satisfaction of the Club their eligibility for the concession claimed will be refused entry, and the Club reserves the right to seize and cancel the Home Match Ticket, and shall not be obliged to make any refund.

7. Duplicate / replacement tickets

7.1 The Club is not responsible for any Home Match Ticket which is forgotten, lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed.

7.2 If the Home Match Ticket is forgotten, lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed, a duplicate ticket may be issued to the original purchaser on proof of purchase, at the Club’s discretion, upon payment by the original purchaser to the Club of a non-refundable printing fee of £1 per ticket at the Club’s match day ticket office. The Club reserves the right to withdraw this duplicate ticket facility for any particular Match or Matches without notice, and shall have no liability to any ticket holder in respect of any Home Match Ticket which is lost, stolen, defaced, damaged or destroyed.

8 Changes, Refunds & Exchanges

8.1 No guarantees are given by the Club that a Home Match will take place at a particular time or on a particular date. The Club reserves the right to abandon, postpone, cancel and/or reschedule any Home Match without notice and, save as provided in this clause 8, without any liability whatsoever.

8.2 The Club makes no representations and does not guarantee that the team for any particular Match will necessarily only be selected from the Club’s regular first team players. The team manager may consider it desirable on occasions to omit regular first team players and select the team from the full playing squad.

8.3 If, for any reason, it is decided that any of the Club’s home league Matches during the Season is to be played at another stadium, then one alternative ticket will be issued to you in respect of that Match.

8.4 In the event that:

1 - for any reason, a Match has to be played out of view of the public (“Behind Closed Doors”); or

2 - Match attendance numbers are restricted as a consequence of any government, Football Authority or other regulatory body guidance or direction;

the Club will endeavour to provide each qualifying Home Match Ticket holder, without charge, with a streaming voucher to enable the ticket holder to view the Match live. The provisions of this clause 8 shall be subject to the permissions of the relevant Football Authority.

8.5 For the purposes of clause 8.4, a qualifying Home Match Ticket shall be any Adult, Under 21s, Over 65s or Disabled Member’s ticket.

8.6 Where a streaming voucher is made available in accordance with this clause 8, the Home Match Ticket may not be exchanged, refunded or used to attend any other Match, including where the qualifying Home Match Ticket Holder opts not to make use of such voucher. Under 11s and Under 16s concessionary tickets will be entitled to claim a refund in accordance with clause 8.10.

8.7 In the event of postponement for any reason of the Match, the unused Home Match Ticket will be valid for entry to the subsequent re-arranged Match (if any). In such circumstances it is the ticket holder’s responsibility to ascertain the date and kick-off time of any rescheduled Match, and these Conditions of Issue shall apply to the rescheduled Match.

8.8 In the event of abandonment of the Match at any time up to and including the half time whistle ticket holders will be entitled to use their Home Match Ticket to gain free entry at a future home Match, subject to any and all applicable terms and conditions.

8.9 In the event of abandonment of the Match after the half time whistle, no refund will be issued and Home Match Tickets will not be valid for entry at any future home Match.

8.10 If, further to clause 8.4, the Club is unable to provide a facility for the ticket holder to view the Match virtually, the Club shall use reasonable endeavours to contact you or to publicly announce the same, and the ticket purchaser may request a refund of the cost of an unused Home Match Ticket and booking fee. Ticket holders may waive their right to a refund under this clause 8.10 and instead permit the Club to retain the price paid as a donation in support of the Club’s activities.

8.11 In order to obtain a refund on the Home Match Ticket in accordance with clause 8.10 above, a written request from the ticket purchaser must be received by the Club’s box office within 72 hours of the Club’s announcement or notification that it cannot provide virtual viewing facilities for the Match.

8.12 Refunds may take up to 7 days to process from the deadline for submission of a refund request, but the Club will make all reasonable efforts to make refunds promptly.

8.13 Refunds will only be made to the person to whom the ticket was originally sold, and the Club may require production of identification to confirm entitlement to a refund under this clause 8. For the avoidance of doubt, entitlement to refunds will be determined at the sole discretion of the Club.

8.14 Where a refund request is not received in accordance with this clause 8, the Club shall consider the unclaimed ticket price as a donation in support of the Club’s activities, and shall be entitled to retain the donation.

8.15 The provisions of this clause 8 represent the sole remedies available to you in the circumstances described. The Club will have no further, or other, liability whatsoever, including (but not limited to) any indirect or consequential loss or damage including (but not limited to) loss of enjoyment or travel or accommodation costs.

9 Cancellation & Withdrawal of Home Match Ticket

9.1 Without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have, the Club shall have the right in the case of any serious or persistent breach of the Ground Regulations or these Conditions of Issue to cancel and withdraw any Home Match Ticket issued. In the event of such cancellation, no refund will be paid. Without prejudice to the general nature of the above, the following actions shall constitute a serious breach:

(a) smoking anywhere other than in designated smoking areas;

(b) being (or appearing to be) drunk or intoxicated;

(c) being in possession of or selling, dealing or sharing any drug of any class;

(d) persistent standing in seated areas whilst the Match is in progress;

(e) sale or transfer (save as permitted) of a Home Match Ticket to any person;

(f) deliberate misuse of a Home Match Ticket;

(g) any misrepresentation in relation to clause 1.2;

(h) the possession of a banner or flag that bears material or slogans that are offensive, obscene, abusive or of a racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or discriminatory nature;

(i) the throwing of any object within the Ground without lawful authority or excuse;

(j) the use of foul, obscene, abusive and/or racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist or discriminatory language and/or gestures;

(k) the supply of any misleading or incorrect information in any application;

(l) any breach of clauses 2.4 or 2.5, above;

(m) failure or refusal to observe any social distancing or Coronavirus prevention measures as reasonably required by the Club.

9.2 In addition to the above, racial, homophobic, transphobic., sexist or discriminatory abuse in any form will not be tolerated, either in the Ground, outside the Ground, or on social media platforms. If you are caught abusing a player or any other individual you will be reported to the police and will be removed (if applicable) and banned from the Ground, the length of which ban shall be determined at the discretion of the Club (on the advice of the police or other authorities, where applicable). In addition, the Season Ticket will be immediately withdrawn, and no refund will be given.

9.3 In the event that a Home Match Ticket is withdrawn or cancelled in accordance with clause 8, the Club reserves the right at its sole discretion to exclude the ticket holder from any membership scheme maintained or organised by the Club and/or to cancel any ticket purchased by the ticket holder for any other Match, and/or disqualify the ticket holder from applying for any Match ticket or season ticket.

9.4 In the event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance with this clause 9, the ticket holder shall not be entitled to any refund.

10 Liability and indemnity

10.1 The Club hereby excludes any liability for any loss, injury or damage to persons/property in or around the Ground except, in respect of death or personal injury resulting from any negligence of the Club.

10.2 The Club shall not be responsible for any interruptions and/or restrictions to the view of the Match caused by virtue of (i) the position of the seat and/or (ii) the actions of other spectators.

10.3 Except as otherwise set out in these Conditions, and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, the Club shall not have any liability in respect of any failure to carry out, or any delay in carrying out, any matter in respect of these Conditions, including admitting you to the Ground for a particular Match, caused by any circumstances outside the Club’s reasonable control.

10.4 You shall indemnify the Club against all costs, charges, claims, expenses, demands and liabilities suffered or incurred by it as a result of any breach of these Conditions or any other terms and conditions, rules, laws or regulations, including, without limitation, the Ground Regulations.

11. General

11.1 The Club reserves the right to make changes to any of the Conditions of Issue or Ground Regulations and notify you of the same by display of such changes at the Ground and on the Website.

11.2 The invalidity or partial invalidity of any provision of these Conditions of Issue shall not prejudice or affect the remainder of these Conditions of Issue, which shall continue in full force and effect.

11.3 The Club’s failure to exercise, or delay in exercising, any right, power or remedy provided by these Conditions, the documents referenced herein or by law shall not constitute a waiver of that right, power or remedy.

11.4 Notwithstanding any other provision in these Conditions of Issue and with the exception of the Football Authority and any other body with the appropriate jurisdiction, no other person other than the ticket holder or the Club has any rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to rely on or enforce any term of these Conditions of Issue. Nothing in these Conditions of Issue shall affect any right or remedy of a third party that exists or is available other than as a result of the aforementioned Act.

11.5 These Conditions of Issue, and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England and Wales. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of England and Wales.

12 Definitions

The following words and phrases shall have the following meanings:

“Club” means Forest Green Rovers Football Club Limited.

"Conditions of Issue" means these terms and conditions governing the issue and use of a home Match Ticket.

“Coronavirus” means the disease known as coronavirus disease (Covid-19) and the virus known as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)

“Football Authority” means the English Football League (EFL)

"Ground" means The New Lawn, Another Way, Forest Green, Nailsworth, Glos. GL6 0FG

"Ground Regulations" means those ground regulations issued by the Club from time to time that set out the terms and conditions upon which spectators are granted entry to the Ground (copies of which are on display at the Ground, available upon request from the Club and published on the Club’s website www.fgr.co.uk)

“Guest” means a relative, friend, colleague and/or, companion to disabled supporters who would be entitled to purchase a home Match Ticket under the Terms & Conditions of Entry.

"Home Match Ticket" means the electronic entry card or printed paper ticket (and/or any rights arising out of or in connection with the foregoing) for admission to a Match.

"Match" means any football match in which the Club participates and that takes place at the Ground during the season.

"Visiting Club" means the football club playing against the Club in respect of the Match.

“You” means the ticketholder.

“Website” means the Club’s website www.fgr.co.uk